January The Sixth: Attack On The Capitol


January The Sixth:
Attack On The Capitol

Edited, Recited, Typed & Written
Mr. Ryan Ngala
Ryan Ngala’s Poems™ | STN® Poetry™
RyanNgalasPoemsOfficial.Tumblr.com | STNPoetryOnline.Tumblr.com

I cannot believe that it has been over two years,
What had happened on the event that was unfolded,
Has us to have opened our very eyes and,
Shattered us to tears. 

Thought we were going to be scared,
Once we saw what had happened on the news,
Would be a reflective mindset,
To our point of view. 

The hours of Donald Trump being the president,
Before or after he was going to leave the White House,
Has all of us to realized,
He was going to do some dumb shit. 

The protesters was to going to stormed,
To the federal government building,
Being the United States Capitol,
Not knowing the consequences of their own actions. 

All I have is just four words for them,
And that is this,
Fuck the white supremacy protesters,
Who will try to threatened,
Our United States democracy,
For creating this seditious conspiracy,
Oh, lord have mercy. 

Looking like a bunch of cockroaches,
Climbing those walls,
And I am looking like as I begin to stare,
Being a bunch of crazy ass suckers,
How dare you motherfuckers. 

The Americans who built the White House,
Brick by Brick,
And the people who try to destroy something so sacred,
They can suck a dick for all I care. 

The white supremacist,
Has went to the ice cream store,
Couldn’t decide of all the 150 flavors,
Why not they choose Vanilla as the color of their skin,
Even though what they did was a sin. 

I was never a fan of the Trump Administration,
To begin with,
He led the capitol riot,
Over an election loss. 

What an idiot,
Hate will never win,
What the former president did was a sinful thing,
Never knew what kind of pain it will bring. 

Even though Trump was defeated,
He refused & conceded to give the presidential power,
To his predecessor president-elect Joe Biden & vice-president elect Kamala Harris,
Who would excel for true greatness,
But both Trump and Pence didn’t want it to happen. 

But then Trump thought of a ridiculous idea,
If he can overturned an election,
So that he can remain in power,
For another hour or year. 

As the tragedy unfolded,
In a senseless act of political violence,
For a moment of silence,
That had led five people to be dead. 

That was so unbelievable,
Better yet pure evil,
Better yet not to be stressed,
So freaking cynical at best. 

Copyright © 2008 - 2050 Ryan Ngala’s Poems™ | STN® Poetry™. All Rights Reserved.


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