How Much Do You Love Me? Poem | Ryan Ngala

How Much Do You Love Me? Poem

Edited, Recited, Typed & Written


Mr. Ryan Ngala

Ryan Ngala's Poems™ | STN® Poetry™

How much do you love me,

More than I can ever know,

To put flowers on you like a crown,

As If you were sitting on the throne.

What makes you so beautiful,

Despite all the boys being so pitiful to you,

Don't let them hate or throw shades at you,

Just because you look so beautiful even more than they do.

But is how much you love the person right next to you,

Deep inside your heart,

Right from the very start,

How to find the person you even meet in one day can even be your best friend till the very end.

Who do I love is my mother,

She will always take good care of me,

Unlike any other person that I have ever seen,

That can even be put in an iPad screen.

How much do you love your family,

All the above,

Especially for my Mom, My Sisters,

My Brother and I,

Will one day reach for the stars

oh so high. 

That's how much,

I can tell,

That makes me feel so well,

That's all I ever wanted was love and connection,

But what's love got to do with it,

When you are standing with the person right in front of you.

As you look into her very eyes,

With every single step you took,

As She says "I love you",

You love them back,

But the question is,

"How much do you really love me?",

Right back at ya.

Copyright © 2008 - 2020 Ryan Ngala's Poems™ | STN® Poetry™.

All Rights Reserved.


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