Stop The Violence Poem | Ryan Ngala

Stop The Violence

Edited, Recited, Typed & Written
Mr. Ryan Ngala
Ryan Ngala's Poems™ | STN® Poetry™

Don't snuff out my light,
Before it has a chance to shine bright.

Beat the Odds,
Not your child, 
Girl or boy friend,
To be your own partner. 

Violence Is,
Not an Option,
Non-Violence is just a lifestyle. 

I want to hear laughter, 
Not gunfire,
Put Play back in Playgrounds,
Cruel WORDS can hurt too as well. 

Hit the Lottery,
Not a child,
Reach for a Peaceful Resolution,
Not a Weapon. 

Let My Life Be Elevated,
Not Eradicated,
I want to THRIVE in my neighborhood,
Not just SURVIVE in my neighborhood. 

Let my parents plan my life,
Not my funeral,
As a young adult,
Cry at my Graduation,
Cry at my Prom,
Cry at my Wedding,
Just don't cry at my funeral. 

Copyright © 2008 - 2020 Ryan Ngala’s Poems™ | STN® Poetry™. All Rights Reserved.


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